Reddit, Rating

26-April-2024 Friday
At Christmas, my parents admitted that my sister was the product of my mother's infidelity. FUCK for cutting them out of your life?

26-April-2024 Friday
FUCK if I leave my girlfriend after she ignored my calls and messages when I needed emergency surgery

25-April-2024 Thursday
FUCK for throwing my son and his future wife's relatives out of the house after we weren't invited to the wedding?

03-September-2022 Saturday
Amazon freezes Prime Video ratings for 'Rings of Power' for 72 hours due to review bombing by trolls

16-September-2020 Wednesday
Reply to the post "I'm sorry for you, pikabushniks"

03-April-2020 Friday
Let's calculate the plus rate on pikabu

22-January-2020 Wednesday
Ranking Secret Recipe

11-September-2019 Wednesday
Simple as that

23-April-2019 Tuesday
I want rating -300

18-April-2019 Thursday
In memory of all the Pikabu warriors going to a better world, on reddit.

18-December-2018 Tuesday
I've never really been good at math, but there's something wrong here.

02-June-2018 Saturday
When you try to explain why you post

01-June-2018 Friday
Reddit has overtaken Facebook in popularity!!!!

14-November-2017 Tuesday
Sobbing about the rating

07-January-2017 Saturday
How to get a rating on Pikabu in a short time?

25-September-2016 Sunday
On the latest developments in the film industry...

15-December-2015 Tuesday
Cats run Reddit? O_o

17-November-2014 Monday
Where is the peekaboo going
